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  • 9.5/10

It Devours! (Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor)

It's coming, and it devours.

Another book from the Welcome to Night Vale universe! I was so excited for this book to come out, I'm so mad I didn't get to read it earlier. But anyways, here we go!

There's a mysterious rumbling under the grounds of the desert town of Night Vale. Night Vale is a community of hooded figures and black helicopters, and a team of scientists including Nilanjana. It is also home to the Joyus Congregation of the Smiling God, which includes Darryl. Darryl and Nilanjana both want to find out what's behind the rumbling, and to do so they must both learn from and put aside their differences, to save their beliefs-and their city.

This is by far one of the most intriguing books I've ever read. It crosses about a thousand genres, from sci fi to thriller to romance, and overall makes for a totally devour-able book. I'd highly recommend it to anybody interested in the differences between science and religion, or just anybody who's interested in the weird sides of life in general.

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